Bush's Immigration Plan isn't anything new
Let me first say, I have nothing against Mexicans, Spanish, Latinos or Hispanics. My view here is about immigration only...nothing personal against any particular race.Immigration itself is fine. Our country was born because of immigration. It was immigrants, in search of freedom, that colonized the wild territories and created a free country. It was immigrants that continued to come here and bring their traditions, skills and ideas with them. Then through hard work and perseverance, created a wealthy country with an eclectic population.
A country, though, can only hold so many people. That is why immigration laws were established. There is no feasible way for our country to house, feed and protect the multitudes that wish they were here. Our country has a big heart, we wish we COULD shelter everyone who wished to live here. But unfortunately since resources are limited, we cannot.
The issue that the Administration is supposed to be addressing is ILLEGAL Immigration.
That is, immigrants who enter our country and take up residence illegally, bypassing the system that was installed to help those who truly wished to be citizens of this country.
It is the Illegals who create havoc within our country by taking jobs at lower than standard wages, adding their numbers to the already overpopulated cities, and demanding assistance from the agencies established to help the citizens of our country who need it.
As well, the increased numbers in the population supercedes the number of jobs available which then leaves the door open to an increased number of gangs and crimes. By taking residence here illegally, the Illegals are actually doing more harm than good to the very country they want to escape to.
As for solutions on how to decrease numbers of Illegals coming here, we already know deportation does very little. Those determined to be here in the first place will continue to return. Repeatedly. Plus they say the numbers are already around 12 million. How do you move 12 million people out of the country?
I've heard one suggestion that sounds actually rather feasible and logical. Why don't we fine Mexico for each illegal immigrant found? If you put a hefty fee on each head, the Mexican government will quickly realize how much illegal immigrants are costing them, an already poor government, and see that if they don't do something on their end to stop people from coming over here, they'll be broke. That should spur some help from the Mexican authorities.
Another suggestion, directed more toward the Illegals: We see there are millions of you. You gather for rallies here in the U.S. demanding rights. Why don't you take those numbers and rally in Mexico for the same rights? The Mexican government cannot possibly ignore millions of people demanding the same things.
As for the rights that you demand, if you took residence here illegally, why does that entitle you to the same rights as legal citizens of this country? If you broke any other law you'd be punished. Yet, here you are breaking the laws of immigration and you have the AUDACITY to demand citizen rights and special treatment!
As cruel as it may sound, breaking the law is breaking the law, and you have to accept the consequences. It was your choice to come here illegally and your choice to then create your family here. If you are discovered to be here illegally, then why should we treat you differently than other criminals? Because you have a family? Criminals have families, but they still get sent to prison. It was their choice to do the crime, and therefore they have to do the time even when it disrupts their family.
We are not a cruel country. We believe all people should be given equal opportunities, but all things must be done within the guidelines. If we continue to allow people to bypass the system then chaos will ensue and we will lose all the clarity of the laws. I understand that there are many illegals who work hard and diligently and eventually earn their citizenship. But unfortunately because of the enormous numbers, these individuals are far outnumbered by the freeloaders. We do not mean to target those who really do want to make America their home physically and at heart, but it is extremely difficult to sort you out of the millions that are here simply because it's better than their original country. My apologies to those who are "good" and may end up getting hurt in all this immigration legalities. But to those of you who are illegal and not helping this country one iota....please return home and fight for your rights there.